Welcome to the new reality. Savoir-vivre of remote work

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Working in a remote format has already demonstrated its effectiveness and feasibility. However, for all its convenience and advantages, it also has many nuances to keep in mind. One of them is appropriate behavior in dealing with colleagues, management and clients – so what are the most important rules of remote work etiquette?

Don’t call without notice

It is considered appropriate to precede a call with a message describing the topic of the call, accompanied by a request for a convenient time to conduct the conversation. Calling without notice is justified only in emergencies.

If the time of the call has been set several days in advance, it is necessary to remind of this with a message an hour beforehand on X-day and make sure that the arrangements are up to date. Changes in plans, postponement or cancellation of the call should also be announced in advance. If the caller is unable to take the call, the policy requires sending a message asking them to call back at a later date.

This approach helps organize work time, as many unscheduled calls can mess up plans for the day.

Voice message as a last resort

One of the most serious violations of modern business etiquette is voice messages. They are allowed only in emergencies, with obligatory apologies for not being able to write a message. Voice messages are almost always uncomfortable to listen to. Moreover, in writing, thoughts look more coherent and neat. Therefore, a sign of respect for co-workers is written messages drafted in accordance with all rules of spelling and punctuation. Of course, the use of emoji in business correspondence is not acceptable.

Don’t turn off the camera during online meetings

The first rule of video meetings is to turn the camera on. The second is to mute the microphone if we happen to be the ones not speaking. A switched-on camera is a sign of respect for all meeting participants – this way you show them that you are fully ready and focused on what the conversation is about. Needless to say, online meetings should not be combined with food or housework. If you don’t happen to be saying anything, the microphone should be turned off. Otherwise, it creates unnecessary noise and noise that disrupts communication.

Take care of your appearance during video calls

New digital etiquette rules also regulate the appearance of remote workers. Wearing ties and suits while working from home is optional. A casual style is quite appropriate, but it is absolutely unacceptable to appear for a video call in pajamas, a bathrobe or sloppy clothes. It is also important to take care of hairstyle and neat beard in the case of gentlemen.

Note: It is important to look decent not just to the waist. Pajama pants and a smart shirt is a dangerous half-measure. If noticed, it will affect your image badly.

Remove distractions in the background and around you

Meetings and conversations should take place in a normal business atmosphere, so both views of the kitchen in the background and cheerful backgrounds with seascapes or outer space are unwelcome. The workspace must be muted, comfortable, orderly and neutral – nothing should distract co-workers from the topic of the meeting. If possible, choose a room where you will not be disturbed by noises from the street or other household members.

Digital etiquette is an important prerequisite for effective communication in a business environment, so every employer should define basic rules of behavior for their remote workers.

main photo: unsplash.com/Paige Cody

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